Who We Are

Founded in Belgium in 1976, Nord Sud Trading SARL is the trading division of the Thomas & Piron S.A. construction group.  In 2000, Nord Sud Trading SARL was established in Kenya to satisfy the group’s supply needs in the East African Region.  

Later, and through specific partnerships with various companies and suppliers in Europe, Africa, China, and the Middle East, Nord Sud Trading decided to expand its product offering to include not only construction materials, but also chemicals, food, and agricultural products. It decided to enter the Central African market with the recent establishment of Nord Sud Trading SARL in DRC, which is supported by more than two decades of experience in the East African region and a global network of suppliers.  

With a strong emphasis on delivering products and commodities to East Africa, Nord Sud Trading engages in a range of commodity trading and supplies several enterprises there. The variety of these commodities includes bioenergy products, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, chemical goods, petroleum products, and chemical products.

what we do

Utilizing pre-qualified international and local suppliers, Nord Sud Trading is a consumables procurement specialist. To meet the ever-changing demands of diverse markets, we are continuously expanding our list of suppliers and vendors while maintaining strong relationships with our existing suppliers.

As mandated by regional and international organizations, all of our suppliers are continuously screened and evaluated to ensure the highest standards of not only quality, but also ethics and work practices.

our products & activities include:

Petroleum Products

Fossil Fuel Products

Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Metals

Shipping & Logistics

what we do

Nord Sud Trading seeks to surpass the expectations of our customers by building a connection between the African commercial marketplaces for the anglophone and francophone languages.

By handling every little detail, Nord Sud Trading frees both suppliers and clients to concentrate more on their main operations.

Contact Us

Nord Sud Trading works with businesses of all sizes, foundations, institutes of higher learning, and youth-serving organizations from across the world to support our shared strategic objectives in attaining quality assured supply systems.

Contact us

  • contact@nordsudtrading.com

our offices

  • George Padmore Lane, Kilimani - Nairobi, Kenya
  • Lubumbashi & Kinshasa Office

quick links

  • Terms and Conditions
  • About Us
  • Added Value
  • NordSud Trading LTD all rights reserved